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Using Chemistry to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

I must admit that I'm a huge The Walking Dead  fan.  I would like to say that I only watch for the human element of the post-apocalyptic melodrama, but I have to confess that I also enjoy the catharsis of the action as well.  What I have found interesting is to see how this zombie-mania has perfused from pop culture phenom to science.   For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has used 'zombie preparedness' as a way to educate people about how to survive various hazards.  They even have a website dedicated to it (see link below). CDC guide for zombie preparedness The American Chemical Society (ACS), the premier international chemistry professional organization, has even used it as a way to engage an audience with chemistry.  They developed one of their reaction videos to explain how chemistry could be used to trick a zombie-- SPOILER ALERT --much in the way that Carol in The Walking Dead  "hid" herself amongst the zombies ...

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